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Luxury home for sale near Warsaw - your best investment.
Dodane: 2018-06-05 Kategoria: Lokum / Domy, Mieszkania

We are a company offering luxury home for sale in a nearby area of ​​the Polish capital. Such a house is a great, luxurious investment of apartments for sale Warsaw for years. We offer you a lot of space, peace and elegance. Our homes are accompanied by attractions and facilities such as tennis courts, playgrounds for children, proximity to open green areas, 24-hour security and monitoring - to provide you with relaxation, entertainment and security. Our projects combine the highest standard and modernity so that you can feel special. Our locations are always located near nature.

Close to the city, close to nature.

We offer you a choice of four wonderful, beautiful and functional house designs: Berkeley (262 sq m), Ascot (186,224 sq m), Brighton (208/296 sq m) and Chelsea (233/329 sq m). These projects of apartments for sale Warsaw are implemented by Westmark Polska - the Polish branch of Westmark Developments based in Great Britain, a British developer operating on the Polish market since 2005. We cordially invite you to contact us, our employees will be happy to contact you and answer all your questions.

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